Auto-Updated CRE Property Flyers

Auto-generated property flyers/brochures completely eliminate the time and costs associated with creating and updating property flyers and brochures.  These multi-page and print ready flyers/brochures auto-integrate your site plans, aerials, floor plans and other images/attachments in the page size you choose.

Our process is simple, we manage and provide designs that you and your team review and approve. Then we build the templates into your property inventory mangement system. Once built, any updates made to images, pricing, descriptions, team members, locations, aerials, sitemaps, and anything else you update on the property is automatically updated in the brochure and updated on your website.

You will no longer need to update your property brochure to synch with your website property pages.

You are also able to have different layout templates for different property types because Office, Industrial, Retail, Land and Multi-Family layouts may be unique.

Client Experience

  • Kwlaredo