Rent Rolls

Manage, view, search, report, store documents and receive lease renewal and expiration alerts.

Step 1. From your Dashboard goto Properties > Properties Map

Step 2. From the Properties Map click the "View" button for the desired property

Step 3. From the Property window top menu, click the "Suites & Rent Roll" button

Step 4. From the Suites & Rent Roll window click the "Add Suite" button in the top-right

Step 5. From the Suite entry window enter all of the lease details

Notes on entry

  • Rent Schedule: When the 'Total Months' number is entered, the Months 'From' and 'To' will auto-populate based on the 'Lease Start Date' above, so make sure it is correctly selected/entered
  • Lease Abstract Details: This section is used for important lease abstract details like renewal options, expense details, construction details, etc. To add/Remove goto: Top-Nav > Website Set-up > Suite / Transaction Section Names

Step 6. Click the "Save" button to save the suite

Adding the lease document and creating an reminder for your Activity Dashboard, which will send an email alert to the assigned team member that includes the lease details and the lease document.

Step 1. From the 'Property Suites' window click the 'View' link on the right side

Step 2. In the 'Document & Reminder Alert' section, click the "Add Document & Reminder Alert" button

Step 3. From the 'Add Document' window enter, upload and set the following for the reminder

  • Document name: This will be displayed as the text link to open the document
  • Reminder Date and time: Once set this will display in the Team Member's Activity Dashboard and send an email alert with the lease abstract details and attachment
  • Add to Calendar and Alert Notification: This will generate and send a calendar invite to the Team Member
  • Notes: This will display as the notes on the reminder
  • Select a Team Member: This will assign the reminder to the Team Member
  • Contact: If the contact lives in the CRM the names will auto-populate when entered

Step 5: Click the "Add Document" button so save. Once saved the reminder will be added to the associated Team Member's Activity Dashboard and email alerts will be sent