How it works

Creating Work Order & Maintenance Request Users

Creating property manager, maintenance, and tenant user types and sending them email instructions

July 14, 2020

Here are the different Work Order/Maintenance Request users:

User Types Capabilities

Property Manager

  • Create/View Work Orders
  • Create notes and assign Property Maintenance personnel
  • Create Property Maintenance, Tenant & Add Work Order users
  • Associate one or more properties to other Work Order users
  • Create and update email instructions when new users are created
  • Manage work order categories, priorities, and statuses
  • Filter and create work order reports

Property Maintenance

  • Create/View Work Orders
  • Create notes and make updates to Work Orders
  • Filter and create work order reports


  • Submit Work Order/Maintenance Requests
  • View the status of submitted Work Order/Maintenance Requests

Add Work Order

  • Submit Work Order/Maintenance Requests


How to create Work Order/Maintenance Request User

  1. Goto: Work Orders > Work Order Users in the left side navigation
  2. From the Work Order Users page click on the green Add Work Order User button
  3. From the Add Work Order User pop-up box select enter the following:
  • Work Order User Type: Select the type you desire for this user
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm Password
  • Property: Select and associate one or more properties to the user to submit Work Order/Maintenance Requests
  • Send email notification checkbox: Send the user an email with their username, password creation and instructions to submit a Work Order/Maintenance request